Prime time Praise and Worship leader Min Tracy Tolota braces up with yet another hit single “We Lift Your Name” off the release of her spirits inspired sophomore album “Heaven Sound”.
The song produced by Dalor Beat, acknowledges the greatness of our God and to lighten up the heart of God's children to His worship.
Speaking about the song, the US based minister said; “The song is just a miracle to me. This is the moment of heavenly encounter as it is set on display for those who do know their God to manifest their divine authority. Let's lift His Name in unison and be assured of His miracles, just as the angels in heaven do sing
Download this amazing song and dance out your testimonies!
Lyric: We Life Your Name By Tracy Tolota
From the rising of the sun, till the going down of the same the name of the Lord will be praise, from generation to generation you are God most high, you are lifted up above every other
I will glorify and bless your holy name Lord, lift you higher high above every other name , I will magnify and bless your holy name Lord lift you higher high above every other name.
Lord we lift your name in all the earth Lord we lift your name in all the earth Lord we lift you higher high above every other name, we lift your name in all the earth we lift your name in all the earth Lord we lift higher high above every other name. (Continuously till fade...)
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Facebook: Min Tracy Tolota
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