It has been my desire to know God...May be more you would say. This song came as an expression of deep Hunger to know God for myself and beyond the testimony of others. I desired and still desire a deeper relationship with God. But like in most things and in most cases, there are shackles on every hand and feet inform of habits, addictions and at times fleshy desires.
I spoke to God in prayer in February, this song came in a deep Worship session and as I asked the Lord to Set Me Free from these limitations. He is always there, He knows my heart and so is aware of my deepest thoughts at all times.
You will find God in this song, especially if you would, like Paul, desire to know Him, like Godboy ask for a deeper walk with Him then you would be asking Him to Heal your heart and cause the Anointing to
do a final cleansing. You won't easily be able to come out of this deep prayer (WORSHIP) because Set Me free...Is not just the sinner's prayer or the bonded that need deliverance but it is a prayer in every
heart whose utmost desire is to know the Lord more. Ladies and Gentlemen, in preparation for my birthday on the 31st I give you as the Lord gave me...Set Me Free.
Daniel Ikechukwu Nwankwo is an anointed music minister, Conference Speaker and a master compere (M.C) with a touch of divinity. He holds a B.Sc in Government and Public Administration and currently pursuing an M.Sc in Public Administration. Though practising as a Professional Administrator, Daniel is a songwriter, psalmist, Motivator and a worshipper with a strong passion for career in the Music Ministry and
Entertainment industry. He is one of the best Presenters in the South East and Middle Belt Nigeria. As the founder of Heart of God Music and Theatre, he brings a good sense of humor and sanity to the
entertainment industry; making it more homely for adults and children towards national transformation. He takes leading roles in drama presentations and movie productions. Bro. Dan, as he is fondly called,
is popularly known as "Godboy" owning to his desire to remain a servant in the Lord's Vineyard.



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