Innocent Edosa Ekunbor popularly known as Reehan released his first official single “Love Cycle” – a beautiful and captivating story of...
OG Mage - The Capital FT Reeplay
"The Capital" is a powerful anthem that captures the essence of the Capital city of Abuja and all Capitals worldwide. This electri...
MUSIC: Jrush - MMD (Money Must Drop)
Jrush is a Nigerian artist who has emerged and is making a name for himself in the world of music. His songs are catchy and have a lot of i...
MUSIC: EBlack – How I Wish
After the release of his club banger titled “KOLOMBI” afro-pop hit maker EBlack a.k.a Mr Onpoint is here again with an amazing relea...
MUSIC: Oluwaturner - F.A.H
Olahitan Olawale Ayo Porpulaly Known With The Stage Name Oluwaturner thrilled to announce the release of his latest single[F.A.H] is now ava...
MUSIC: Hsure - Onome
Fast rising Nigerian music sensation, singer, songwriter Henry Itoki professionally known as Hsure comes out with another classic record...
MUSIC: Deco Poly - Winner
Deco Poly is yet again with another new single tagged “Winner”, On the new single, Deco Poly affirms his relevance to the music world with h...